The Early Years
The original team at Oculu are pioneers at serving video online. Our online video hosting technology was created out of frustration and necessity to specifically address the needs of our video production company, Innovate Media. Customers hired us to create amazing videos for their websites. And we did, however they had great difficulty on their end getting the videos delivered properly on their websites. We solved their problem by having our software engineers create a simple yet robust platform to stream online video for them. This platform alleviated the headaches associated with properly serving video on the web and having their own customers enjoy it. Oculu has been enhanced and upgraded frequently since inception. The video streaming service started to grow as a division of Innovate Media. Oculu was spun off as a company of its own and since then things really caught on and Oculu has become the premier video technology solution serving videos for thousands of businesses globally.

Oculu 2.0
Over the years we began to reflect the industry we worked in: constantly evolving. The digital advertising industry is no stranger to the momentum of change as it’s had to keep up with the ebb & flow of digital and consumer trends. This means that Oculu had to follow suit. And we did that by expanding our toolbox of services, which has made us able to serve thousands of clients and thousands of ads — with what has become our speciality: video. We can now proudly call ourselves pioneers in the online video advertising space as we provide a full suite of proven video solutions via our video platform, emerging video formats, video ad tags, and media management team used by both brands and agencies. And with our deeply rooted 360 knowledge of the digital world and its devices, we’re able to create relationships between advertisers and consumers of premium video content across a growing range of connected devices. Today, Oculu —– a company you can count on to elevate and manage your video advertising campaigns with confidence.
Leadership Team

John Cecil
Managing Partner

Nerissa Valdellon
Business OPS

Michelle Mcgrath

Parveen Panwar

Maddy Kanzler
Account Executive

Daphine Soriano