Attention Span and Video: How To Prevent Viewer Abandonment
John Cecil – Author – Online Video Revolution – Available on Amazon
Like a cookie falling on the floor has a five second rule to be eaten, your web site has a ten second rule to be consumed. And let the chips fall where they may (pun badly intended), if your web cookie is not tasty enough to engage your visitor in the first ten seconds, you’ve lost ‘em!
We live in an era of TMI (Too Much Information), too many options, too many distractions, too much to do; too many companies trying to get your attention, too much noise and chatter on the web.
But you, you’ve done your homework, your web site is optimized to get them to your door, it’s laid out so the user can instantly access the information they need, it’s easy to read, has dynamic content and, of course a call to action video. It does right? Because if it doesn’t, you’ve probably lost them already.
According to a study by Visible Measures,
• 20 % of online video viewers click away from a video in the first 10 seconds
• 33% move on at 30 seconds
• 60% are long gone if you hit the 2 minute mark
This statistic is further aggravated by the fact that if the video you do have is hosted on an public server (like YouTube) the chances of them clicking and watching ten seconds of your video, and then that of your competitors video on YouTube is highly likely.
Congratulations, you have spent all that time and money to better the world’s knowledge on your company’s line of expertise, but unfortunately, not converting that information into a sale.
Video is not going away, in fact, in a 2010 report from Cisco, 30% of Internet Traffic was currently video. By 2013, 90% of Internet traffic will be video.
Video is a compelling way to engage your audience, build trust, show products and services, and generate leads, within seconds. But don’t wait for the wave to hit and wash away your cookies and milk, get ahead of the curve, host your video on a site with an intelligent interface, great analytics, and trackable conversion. And I would suggest you do it before the milk spoils.