Emerging Video Format Ideas for Lawyers
The world is continually turning more to digital platforms for answers and research. This makes sense considering we have access to the web any time and any place, we are surrounded by it at all times. How does this digital takeover affect lawyers and law firms? While it was once practical to advertise your practice in Yellow Pages or on busses, digital advertising now takes precedence. According to Blue Corona Marketing Solutions, 97% of people refer to Google instead of Yellow Pages. So get your picture off the local park bench and consider moving to digital.
If you are looking to grow your client list, digital advertising could be your tool for success. Consider this: someone gets news that requires them to find a lawyer. This news brings about panic and a sense of urgency. As this person is in a hurry they turn to the internet for immediate answers. As a lawyer or firm, your brand will greatly benefit from having a strong online presence for these consumers to come across.
Emerging formats are an excellent tool for lawyers to utilize in growing an online presence in a digital world. Oculu has introduced our emerging video formats specifically designed for lawyers/law firms that are using pre-roll. As attention spans get shorter, Oculu developed a dynamic video unit for lawyers, combining pre-roll video with an overlay and mobile interstitial to maximize interactions, all within one video unit!
Why Emerging formats so successful? The key reason here is engagement. Emerging formats allow the viewer to take immediate action and interact with your brand through a call to action. Let’s take a look at how Oculu works to generate traffic to websites by using a mix of pre-roll with emerging formats:
- An end slate will be presented at the end of the pre-roll that will give more information and encourage a call of a lead form fill out.
- Utilize our advanced targeting capabilities by adding data layers to reach prospects.
- Leverage custom emerging video formats by creating a dynamic overlay and end cards for the pre-roll that will encourage clicks or a call.
- Utilize mobile best tactics to meet KPI goals, maximize VCRs and clicks.
- Provide tracking and comprehensive reporting.

- Targeted Advertising:
Think of this analogy. Thousands of people will see your picture and name pass by on a bus, but only one out of that one thousand may contact you for business. With digital advertising, you can hone in on the right people that need to see your advertisement. This is not only more effective, but also cost efficient. With targeted advertising you will see an improvement in your ROI and your client response rate. - Tracking:
On the topic of ROI, digital advertising allows for you to see raw data about how successful your ads are. You can see if it’s working and what needs to be changed. Now consider a magazine ad. There is no way for you to know how many people have seen it or if any of your new clients are a result of that ad. - Interaction:
Digital advertising allows the consumer to directly interact with your brand. Whether it is social media or a website, you have the ability to engage with your audience and establish your value and credibility. Traditional advertising is a one-way communication channel which is how digital advertising has an advantage over these techniques.
In the United States consumers watch up to six hours of video per day. Videos provide an easier, quicker and more engaging form for people to consume content. This means pre-roll videos are a great opportunity to get your message across in an entertaining way in addition to targeting people.
As digital advertising continues to become the new norm, your competitors are most likely building an online brand. It is important not to fall behind by committing yourself to developing a strong digital platform to reach the right audience for your practice.

Oculu can create a vertical video or a video interstitial specifically designed for mobile devices. The video will play vertically with the firm’s phone number if someone clicks a call will be placed via the mobile device the ad has been watched on.
We will add “Call Me At” and “Click Here” buttons to increase landing page visits and calls – all of this activity will complement the pre-roll videos.
See examples of how this works and all of our emerging formats here: https://gallery.oculu.com