Is Virtual Reality the Next Frontier for Video Serving and Pre Roll Advertising?
The ‘next big thing” in the tech world is virtual reality (VR). As experts in serving video it is our responsibility to always look to the new frontier. The question now is: could VR be the next frontier in delivery platforms for video? And what do servers of videos specifically need to do to prepare for virtual reality if it is the next big thing?
Mobile took the pre-roll world by surprise and many are still trying to figure it out. New developments in technology and new distribution platforms that impact video will affect your use of video and your advertising profits from it.
The newest developments in online video point to the streaming of content directly into virtual reality platforms, including gaming headsets. When desktop computers were the top technology available in the marketplace OCULU® began serving video content via flash players on different browsers. At that time, the main goal was to have one player that would work across multiple desktop browsers because consumers were forced to choose what player to use, Windows Media Player or QuickTime. The platforms changed quickly and video servers needed to serve through a new platform – mobile.
The shift to mobile devices, and the need to adjust to those platforms, created a need for businesses to look at online video platforms like OCULU® to address different viewing environments. We found it necessary to enhance our video delivery platform so that it would accommodate not only desktop video viewers but those now consuming video via mobile devices.
To address this concern, we reconfigured our code completely so that video would stream to mobile devices properly and meet the consumption habits of viewers. Mobile is now served through HTML5 and OCULU® is still serving via Flash on some desktop browsers, particularly Firefox and older versions of HTML5.
Since the time that video first entered the marketplace and was delivered over the Web it has steadily evolved. As you read above there were many steps those advancements passed through to bring us to where video is today, the Point A. The environments have changed completely from the time video first showed up. Now that the content is streamed into mobile, video platforms like OCULU® also advanced to enable streaming through mobile devices.
Mobile platforms like Android and iOS were created by app developers who moved their company’s technology forward to meet consumers’ needs. Smart phone, iPhone, tablet and Android users all recognize that these technologies also advanced through many phases before they became gotta-have devices. Each phase brought in different characteristics, caused service providers, platform developers and web developers to constantly keep up.
In the early 1990s virtual reality became a norm to test engineering components and demonstrate 3D situations. Our military forces use VR now to assist combat veterans with post traumatic stress disorder. These vets don’t have to leave American soil to recreate their experiences because the VR is set up to simulate their war circumstances. VR is also familiar to the medical community. Doctors are able to use it and obtain surgical experience before ever touching a patient in the operating room.
When something is evolving there is motion, movement in a forward direction. This usually happens without stopping or becoming stagnant, and the pace may be variable. Movement does continue no matter what.
And that has been the progress of video: forward, consistent and continually moving into the next frontier. Closely watching the developments video has taken, and the overall industry, we anticipate that the new frontier – the new Point A for video – will be virtual reality platforms.
The advancement of technology, and video, has required that application developers constantly refine, retool and readjust their operating systems over all platforms. Developers are key participants in the movement of streamed video via mobile into every delivery platform, including virtual reality. The industry has shifted and like desktops, mobile may be replaced by VR platform technology.
This is what’s happening with video now. The forward progression is making the availability of streaming content available in nearly every device. Smartphones now make it easy for consumers to easily access technology anywhere. You’ve probably heard that virtual reality experiences are available with the use of certain Smartphone devices – and without a computer. One example is the Galaxy Note 4 Smartphone that can power a virtual reality headset.
Streaming video via VR platforms will become necessary. Delivery services are making it a priority to create enhancements to their streaming platforms. OCULU® is working to enhanced its platform so it will deliver pre-roll advertising messages right into virtual reality technology on top of our player.
Advertisers will soon see video streaming via VR as an opportunity to stream targeted content right to viewers. These are chances for online marketers to serve pre-roll ads to viewers and create a lift in CPM. Decisive marketers could benefit when broadening current campaigns to include this new frontier: pre-roll via VR.
Online viewers throughout the world are consuming millions of videos. Content is streamed during every hour of every day and pre-roll ads are being served every day to viewers. The new advertising platform, when served into VR, will escalate those millions of views. At this time, the online video platform industry is anticipating that revenue in 2016 will exceed five billion dollars.
Streaming cloud-based video to online viewers is simple with a delivery platform, and can be monetized when collaborating with partners who want to serve pre-roll ads. Online marketers serving video to create awareness about a product or service must stay informed about what is happening in the industry. Keeping up with fluctuations that could be advantageous or create obstacles for your prospective viewing audience must also be a priority. And cloud-based online video streaming platforms who deliver video content to customers must also always be attentive and vigilant like OCULU®.
The best streaming platform providers will address any potential obstacles your viewers might experience and resolve them before they even occur. Quality service providers works hard to stay in front of upcoming technological advances within the industry and minimize their impact on you – our customers.
It’s looking like VR platforms will be the new frontier for serving online video. As a marketer it’s probably smart to be aware of these advancements so you can anticipate their impact on your organization.