Oculu Ecommerce Shoppable Ads – Emerging Video Formats

1. A great way to target consumers who prefer to shop on mobile devices is via shoppable pre-roll ads with hot spots. We will take your pre-roll and add “+” buttons over each product in the video.

2. By clicking a “+” button on the pre-roll a buy page and product price will appear ( this is all within the ad unit and happens over the pre-roll).video.

3. When a user clicks it’s actually building a “shopping cart” – That shopping card appears as an end card after the pre-roll ends. For example, if we have a 15 second pre-roll we will buy a 30 second spot / space and the end card graphic ( that looks like a shopping cart ) will sit in the ad unit before the video content starts (after the pre-roll has run). In this example, someone clicked three products – all three of those products will appear in the end card.

4.A click on any image on the end card will send you to the product page of the online retailer ( in this case Amazon ). The click will direct to a buy page with one of the products that appears on the end card. In summary, the pre-roll ( with our added graphics ) encourages users to choose a product and ( the goal ) is to get a click to the buy page.