Companies Must Have Online Video In Two Critical Places
Online video is critical to your company’s selling process. If you already use video to attract viewers to your website and invite them to purchase from you, then you’re ahead of the game.
Maybe you’re new to video, gathering information, formulating your plan and moving into the studio soon to shoot your footage.
Both positions are encouraged to pay close attention to the 2 critical places that online video must be located in your business.
Right off the bat, you’re probably thinking the two places must be your website and one of the free-play sites that will distribute your content for you. Let’s look at this from another angle. Your video must be included in these places (1) your purchase funnel and (2) your marketing plan.
Probably not what you thought. And here’s why.
Customers look for video as a tool during their decision making process. Your video can help them make choices about products, encourage a comfortable feeling when buying a product or service from your company, provide education and information around the clock with no brick and mortar hours to consider. Your customers are receiving information via online video from a multitude of other sources. They accept that this is a method of making purchases and they participate in the experience of video. Large chunks of time are spent by your prospective customers as they consume video. Is it your video or that of your competitors? Your viewers are giving their time and energy to watch video content and they do it willingly.
Statistics indicate that the average person watched 182 online videos every 30 days. YouTube, a major free-delivery video vendor serves more than 1 billion videos – daily. Customers have their own reasons for consuming information via video, whether it is for entertainment, education, sports-related or news topics, they accept that video is now a part of their lives.
Video views of visitors to retail websites add about two minutes to the visit time. The likelihood these same viewers making a purchase moves up to 64 percent after they’ve seen your short, engaging video message, reported ComScore. The same retail websites that provided video for visitors and increased their sales conversions by 30 percent also found that the average sales increased by 13 percent.
Do you like the numbers? Providing video for your online viewers can and will increase your sales conversions. You must make sure, though, that your video takes a top spot in your purchase funnel and your marketing plan. A typical purchase funnel provides opportunities for companies to get the attention of their prospects, create and interest in a particular product or service and develop a desire in that prospect to have the product or service offered. Finally, the last stage of the typical purchase funnel provides an opportunity for prospective customers to take an action. Generally, customers are encouraged to request more information by email, phone, and fax or via a website interest form.
Your purchase funnel will include each of these stages and also will provide customers with more available actions that can be taken toward a sale. This is due primarily because of the flexibility of the Web and your website in the hands of a good tech. Your purchase funnel with video incorporated will use each of the stages via video to move customers through a sale. They will become aware of your product when they see it. They will share their interest about that product with their friends or social network. A customer will feel a perceived sense of likability with your company when video is incorporated, and your customer can take further action by viewing additional products, services or programs that you offer. Via online video.
Information in your marketing plan must include video also. The numbers above demonstrate the enhancements that video can provide for your company. Your budget must be laid out in such a way that video becomes a priority mechanism used to attract your customers. That is something that you will take care of with your C-level in the boardroom. But first, you’ve got to impress upon them the necessity of shifting from your marketing plan without video to a marketing plan that includes online video and the opportunities a video enhanced website will create when your sales conversions move your profits up.
You can create more profit by including video in your marketing plan and increasing online purchase revenue for your company. Using the best guidebook available will make your work easier: Online Video Revolution: How to Reinvent and Market Your Business Using Video by John Cecil is waiting for you online at Amazon.com.